Improve your bids with a compelling Executive Summary

Executive summaries encapsulate your offer and provide convincing reasons to buy your solution.

  • Find it a challenge to describe your core offer succinctly, convincingly and persuasively?
  • Does everyone on your team actually understand what you’re selling and to whom?
  • Can you effectively summarise your offer, value proposition, price and reasons you’re the best solution - on a single page?

The best executive summaries do all of this, and more: a powerful executive summary can also inspire your bid team to success.

Tender Success has a process that is guaranteed to improve the way you think about your prospect, the construction of your executive summary and the way you galvanise your bid team.

Drawing on decades of experience and more than $25bn of tender wins, our consultants are improving the win rates of Australian organisations across a range of industries.

Read more about our bid writing services or contact us to explore how your organisation can transform the power of your executive summaries.